How to be more open to seeing opportunities?

No matter how bad things seem, there are always opportunities. You just need to be able to spot them and then take action. Have you ever wondered how to be more open to seeing opportunities in your life? We all have at some point.

How to be more open to seeing opportunities

Here are four simple strategies to enhance your ability to see all the opportunities that exist in your life:

1. Always keep pen & paper nearby nearby so you can jot down any ideas that pop up.

2. Five minutes a day sit down and brainstorm ideas for improving your financial situation. On different days of the week ask yourself questions like:

* How can i make more money?
* What do i have that i can sell on eBay or elsewhere to
generate cash?
* What unnecessary expenses can i eliminate?
* How can i get a better return on my money?
* What can i do to earn a raise at work?
* Which skills do i have that others would pay me for?
* Are there unfulfilled needs in my community?

3. If you see a good idea, take action on it immediately. If you don’t start taking action on an idea right away, you probably never will.

4. Remember that there are always opportunities and you just need to be open to seeing them.  Keep your eyes open and expect to see them.

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