Creating Small Daily Habits

Have you ever thought about how to go about creating small daily habits?

If you have, then you likely know that trying to create a number of new habits all at once is setting yourself up for failure. It works better to focus one new habit at a time.


If you want to create new habits, it works better to think about ONE thing, one very small thing that you can do daily that will move you closer to your goals.

What if you committed today to doing that ONE thing every day no matter what? Can you commit to that? Will you?

Start right now. Put on ONE shoe to go running. Do ONE sit up/push up. Eat ONE healthy meal. Read ONE page.

Research shows that when you start doing that ONE thing and do it repeatedly, it starts a chain reaction and the formation of a new habit.

Best way to go about creating small daily habits?

The best way to create new daily habits is to make the process as easy as possible. Don’t complicate your life. Focus on one new habit at a time.

Add this one new habit to a routine you are already doing and it becomes even easier.  For example:

  •  As soon as I wake up and put my feet on the ground I will___________
  •  When I brush my teeth I will_________________
  •  As I drink my coffee I will_________________

Do this for the next 7-14 days and you will start a new, positive habit!

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