My Day Begins With My Evening Rituals

What? My day begins with my evening rituals?  Really? How does that work?

During your evening rituals, you focus on preparing for the next day and reflecting back on the current day to learn how you can perform even better tomorrow. You also focus on those behaviors that will enable you to enjoy a good night’s sleep.

Preparation for tomorrow

One ritual that you clearly need to take each evening is setting out your priorities for the next day.  If you don’t establish ahead of time what they are, you are likely to get distracted by email or by other people’s priorities.

So each night, ask yourself:

  • What do I need to get done tomorrow?
  • What are my highest priorities?
  • How and when will I get these done?
  • What obstacles might I encounter and how will I overcome them?

Keep in mind that you are not just creating a to-do list. Rather, you are following a process of mentally working through  your priorities, how you will you accomplish them, and how will you will overcome the obstacles that are almost sure to pop-up during the day.


In addition to preparing for the new day, the evening is a great time to reflect back on the day just past and learn as much as you can from the day’s events, so that tomorrow will be even better.

  • What did you accomplish today?
  • What worked?
  • What didn’t work so well?
  • What did you learn from the experience?
  • How can you perform even better tomorrow?
Preparation for Sleep

During the final hours of your day, there are additional rituals that you can undertake that will help you get a good night’s sleep.  Here we are talking about things like turning off electronic devices which emit blue light  several hours before bedtime (unless you wear blue blocker glasses) . Read a book. Avoiding caffeine, etc.

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2 thoughts on “My Day Begins With My Evening Rituals”

  1. Awesome advice. Im putting it to work. Funny, I was just brainstorming what i need to do tomorrow. Love it!!

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